Busselton to ban jetty shark fishing
Following consultation with the local community, Busselton City Council has made the decision to write to the Minister of Fisheries to advise of their support for a ban on shark fishing with a wire trace at the Busselton Jetty.
Over the last two years the City has received notification of the targeting of tiger sharks off the Jetty and tiger shark carcasses being left on the ocean floor, potentially increasing interactions between sharks, swimmers and divers.
Busselton Mayor Phil Cronin told Julie-anne Sprague onĀ 6PR Afternoons their is clear evidence the leaving of carcasses is causing issues in the area.
“Whatever they cut up is being thrown back in to the water; it’s a bit like throwing meat out into your back garden and not expecting foxes to be coming through later on,” Mr Cronin said.
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