Police using psychics in investigations met with scepticism

Reports that senior police in the Eastern States are using a psychic or medium to find missing or murdered persons were met with scepticism from Karl.
Breakfast Show hosts Millsy and Karl spoke to Tom Percy KC about the concept and were surprised that he wasn’t opposed to the idea.
“I can see that there have been some in the Eastern States where officers have contacted psychics or mediums and they have pointed them in the right direction,” he said.
With Karl still sceptical, a 6PR listener suggested the Breakfast Show contact Anthony Grzelka, Australia’s Ghost Whisperer and Psychic. Anthony suggested everyone is a bit psychic.
“Most of us are so busy in our lives, we’re so flat out that if your loved one came back and slapped you across the face and said, ‘Hey, it’s me,’ you probably wouldn’t notice it because we’re all so busy,” he said.
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