Police Commissioner: Crime rates plummet in WA
WA’s Police Commissioner has revealed crime rates in WA have plummeted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Police Commissioner Chris Dawson revealed the promising new figures to 6PR’s Gareth Parker this morning.
“We have halved the amount of Methylamphetamine … because of our strict border controls and a whole bunch of really great police work,” he said.
“By halving the drug supply, we’ve halved the crime.”
Home burglaries have also reduced by 60 per cent in the last nine months.
“Our five year average sits just above 50,000 home burglaries a year, at the moment we are at 27,000, now that is directly related to dropping the meth supply routes,” the Commissioner said.
It comes after police seized a record breaking cash haul of more than $13 million, after intercepting a truck in Coolgardie.
$32 million cash was seized across 5 operations in the last five weeks.
“Meth is driving most of the crime,” he said.
Click PLAY to hear the full interview.