Liam Bartlett reveals intrastate borders back on the cards

Liam Bartlett has echoed the sentiment of the majority of West Australians questioning why the McGowan government is not forthcoming about its transition measures post February 5, when borders open.
The 6PR Mornings host revealed plans were in place to establish regional borders across WA once the state reopened in three weeks.
“The Mornings program has been told police over the past week have been holding a series of briefings to coordinate the reestablishment of regional borders in the state when we open up,” Bartlett said.
“Unless you are vaccinated you may not be permitted to move between regions.
“The plan appears to make it clear that, no vaccination, and regional borders may be closed to you.”
“The police at this stage prefer to stay quiet.”
Tap PLAY below to hear Liam’s full take on the issue.