Australian flag “colonial” and “confusing”

The push is on once again to change the Australian flag. Those instigating change are saying it’s time to move on and cut ties with Mother England .
The campaign is being driven by Ausflag Executive Director Harold Scruby.
He told Karl Langdon its time to get rid of the Union Jack claiming it confuses identifying what Australia is given they are one of three nations left in the Commonwealth still using the symbol.
“It’s only three-quarters ours.
“Colonial flags are appropriate when you’re a colony.
“Most of the others upon reaching their nationhood removed the colonial symbolism and became nations.”
Mr Scruby also wants I am Australian to become the “national song”, which could be played at events such as sporting matches.
“Advanced Australia Fair is the national anthem and it was chosen by a large country mile when we had the plebiscite,” he said.
“But if you want a song that gives you a lot of emotion, which you’re more likely to sing at a sporting event… I can’t think of a nicer tune.
“It embraces everything about us and includes Aboriginal people.”
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