Community petition calls out long wait time for children health services
Jo Matthewson, President at Community Kindergartens Association Western Australia has started a petition to call on the WA Legislative Council to examine the length wait time for health services for children ages between zero and eight.
“The wait list for speech OP, child psychologists, pediatricians, is just getting worse and worse,” Ms Matthewson told Oliver Peterson onĀ Perth Live.
“The Government put out statistics for wait times but we know the actual times are actually double then what are stated. For example we’ve got OP at 7.3 months, but it’s probably more like 1.5 years. Psychology it says 12 months but it’s more like 3 years. So the wait-lists are getting longer because the demand is increasing.”
Ms Matthewson further highlighted that this is a serious issue as these children are in an important developmental period and need access to these support systems as soon as possible.
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