Date set for start of Australia-New Zealand travel bubble

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a two-way trans-Tasman travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand.
From 11.59pm on Sunday, April 18, quarantine-free travel will be permitted between the two countries.
Ms Ardern said any state lockdowns would result in suspended flights and travellers should prepare for plans to be disrupted at the emergence of new cases.
New Zealand will implement a traffic light system based on specific Australian states rather than a nationwide approach.
“While quarantine-free travel to Australia and vice versa will start in a fortnight, it will not be what it was pre-COVID,” she said.
“While we absolutely wish to encourage family and friends to reunite and visitors to come and enjoy the hospitality New Zealand is ready and waiting to offer, those undertaking travel on either side of the ditch will do so under the guidance of flyer beware.
“People will need to plan for the possibility of travel being disrupted if there is an outbreak.”