Death of the smoko? Time-poor tradies missing out on breaks

The traditional ‘smoko’ of Aussie tradies is in danger of becoming extinct, new research shows, with the industry calling for tradies to take better care of themselves and have more time off during the day and throughout the year.
Chief customer officer at tradies website Hipages, Stuart Tucker, says new research shows tradies are taking only “one small break a day”, usually for five to 10 minutes.
“To a further extent about one in four tradies didn’t take annual leave last year, or only took one week, and we think it’s time for them to step away and have a break, it’s for their own wellbeing,” he told Breakfast host Gareth Parker
Tap PLAY to hear tradies tell Parker why the smoko is still aliveĀ
Listener Alan from East Vic Park told Parker the smoko was still alive in Perth, thanks to the new generation of tradies.
“The smoko is not dead, and I’m telling you that because I see the young blokes now, they’re always a couple of minutes early for smoko, and always a couple of minutes late,” he told Parker.