Footy Tipping FAQ
Q: I can’t remember my password, how can I reset my password?
A: Click “Forgotten Password” link and enter your email address, a reset password link will be sent to your email within 10 minutes. If you can not find this link, please also check your email spam folder.
Q: having trouble logging in using IE, getting error message “Your browser cookies settings are too restrictive. Please enable cookies to log in”
A: Please follow the following steps to enable Cookies on IE:
- Click Gear icon on top right, select “Internet Options”
Select Privacy Tab then click Advanced
Check Override automatic cookie handling
Under Third-party Cookies select Accept
Q: having trouble logging in using Safari, getting error message “Your browser cookies settings are too restrictive. Please enable cookies to log in”
A: Please follow the following steps to enable Cookies on Safari (Mac OS X):
- Click “Safari” on top left of menu, select “Preferences”
Select Privacy Tab
Check “Always allow” Cookies and website data.
Q: having trouble logging in using iPhone/ iPad Safari, getting error message “Your browser cookies settings are too restrictive. Please enable cookies to log in”.
A: Please follow the following steps to enable Cookies on Safari (IOS):