Former Police Minister tees off on the Libs

The WA Liberal Party is seeking a new leader after Liza Harvey chose to step aside on the weekend.
She says she wants to give the party an opportunity to reset its election strategy before people head to the polls in March.
A party room meeting will be held tomorrow with Zak Kirkup and Dean Nalder vying for the top job. It will be the party’s third leader in four years.
Former Police Minister in the Barnett Government Rob Johnson tells Oliver Peterson he doesn’t believe Zak Kirkup will keep his seat at the next election.
“He’s had a cushioned life,” said Mr Johnson.
“He’s never run a business, he’s never had a bring up a family.
“Where as Dean Nalder has done all of those things.”
He adds that in time Mr Kirkup will have the experience to be a leader.
“You need somebody strong that’s going to pull the party together.”
Mr Johnson believes “power brokers” like Peter Collier and Nick Goiran have made a mess of the Liberal Party.
“Peter Collier has a history of making bad decisions when it comes to promoting somebody for leadership.
“He did it with Colin Barnett.
“He’s a bad influence on the Liberal Party.”
He predicts unless the Labor Party has a major scandal, Premier Mark McGowan will easily win the next election.
“He deserves to,” said Mr Johnson.
“He’s done a damn good job for the people of Western Australia and kept them safe.
“This will be the first time in my life I will vote for a Labor candidate rather than a Liberal one.”
Mr Johnson denies his comments are “sour grapes” after he was dumped by Colin Barnett.
“I’ve had four years to get over any upset that might have happened.”
Listen to the full interview: