Lower speed limits on the cards in this Perth council
Speed limits could be dropped to 40km/h in all residential areas in the City of Vincent by 2023 under a new strategy aimed at improving the City’s transport network.
Vincent is currently running a two-year 40km/h speed zone trial in residential streets bounded by Newcastle, Vincent and Charles streets and the Swan River. A 12-month review of the trial has returned promising results showing lower speed limits were effective in reducing speed and traffic crashes and encouraging people to walk or cycle. Street amenity also improved during the first half of the trial and people reported feeling slightly safer in the streets.
Mayor Emma Cole told Oliver Peterson data collected using traffic counters and cameras is being coupled with resident feedback.
“Our community has told us they feel somewhat safer and they are feeling like they are enjoying their residential streets a little more,” said Mayor Cole.
However the issue of rat-running doesn’t appear to have been reduced with the lower speed limit trial.
“We’re still seeing the same level of vehicle movement through the suburbs but we are seeing them slower.
“It is an issue we would like to get on top of.”
Listen to the full interview: