Nickel miners make golden $15-million discovery

An underground mine has struck some serious gold in Western Australia.
The Beta Hunt mine, located 600km east of Perth, is traditionally a nickel mine.
But it’s gold that’s on their mind this week.
The owners of the mine believe they may have produced two of the largest gold specimens in recorded history.
A single blast has seen the discovery of over 9,000 ounces of the precious material and the market value of the samples is mouth-watering.
Tim Treadgold from Mining Journal Australia explains how the discovery came about.
“The way these things work is you do the blast one night after you’re well away from the mine,” he tells John Stanley.
“They would have been expecting to see more nickel ore but instead they found… thousands of ounces of gold in that rock.”
Tim reveals, on gold value alone, their discovery could fetch a cool $15 million.
“But if they sell them as specimens to a collector, you can add 50 per cent to that,” he says.
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