‘Outrageous behaviour’: Tow truck industry crackdown

The Department of Transport and Consumer Protection are cracking down on tow truck drivers who have been taking advantage of drivers stuck on the side of the road.
Consumer Protection Executive Director Trish Blake told Oliver Peterson on Perth Live that there had been some extreme cases that have led to the clampdown.
“We’ve had lots of stories over the last couple of years about tow truck drivers that are taking people’s cars at the scene of an accident and then holding the car to ransom because they then charge exorbitant prices,” she said.
In the consultation report, the Department plans to be setting caps on prices that tow truck drivers can charge, asking for licenses from drivers and registering storage facilities.
“We’ve had consumers come to us and say they actually don’t even know where their car is, and insurance companies have been refusing to pay the tow truck drivers because of the high prices,” Ms Blake said.
“So the consumer is left as the meat in the sandwich.”
You can provide feedback for the consultation and report on the Consumer Protection website www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection.
Press PLAY to hear some of the astonishing cases that have caused the crackdown.