Perth teen inspires virtual closeness for aged-care residents
Teenager Grace Sinclair has inspired a new virtual volunteering program in response to the lock-down of aged care facilities in WA.
Given she is unable to visit in person, Grace calls 97-year-old Nancy twice a week to read her chapters from a book over the phone. The Baptistcare resident says she has macular degeneration and has started to lose her sight, meaning Grace is so precious to her.
“Grace is such a good reader, she puts all the expressions in.
“It almost transports me into the real scenes so I can actually see the story unfolding in my imagination.”
Grace told Mark Gibson this was a great way for her to use her passion for reading to do some community work.
“Each time I call [Nancy] we have a little chat before and after we read the chapter.
“It’s really nice to hear stories about her when she was growing up too.”
West Australian’s can volunteer to have long chats, do quizzes, read books or play games over technology like Skype, Zoom and Facetime.
If you’re interested in virtually volunteering with a Baptist Care resident – head to their website
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