Theresa May and Brexit
This week Tamsin Gatewood spoke to Tony McManus about Theresa May who was left fighting to save her Chequers Brexit plan and with it her authority as prime minister after she was ambushed at the end of the Salzburg summit when EU leaders unexpectedly declared that her proposals would not work.
* Children as young as 10 denied UK citizenship for failing ‘good character’ test. Hundreds of vulnerable children as young as 10, who have spent most of their lives in the UK, are having their applications for British citizenship denied for failing to pass the government’s controversial “good character” test.
* The 14th Century house used as the birthplace of Harry Potter remains on the market over a year after it was put up for sale. De Vere House in Lavenham, Suffolk, featured in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One, as the house where the young wizard’s parents were killed by Lord Voldemort.
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