Schools will open for term two

WA schools will be open as of Wednesday April 29.
All students, especially Year 11s and 12s, are encouraged to attend classes, however parents wishing to keep kids at home are allowed to do so. The timeline will be:
- Monday April 27 – ANZAC Day public holiday
- Tuesday April 28 – Staff to attend school but this is pupil free day
- Wednesday April 29 – Schools open for children to attend and be taught.
- Monday May 18 (week 4) – a review to occur taking into account the latest health advice
Premier Mark McGowan says a number of changes will be made to the running of schools in line with the “best national health advice”.
- Distance education packages will be available for parents choosing to keep their children home
- Parents/carers will be required to drop children at the gate
- Canteens will provide takeaway services only
- Swimming pools to remain closed
- Assemblies, camps, excursions and interschool activities are not permitted.
- Increased focus on personal hygiene and social distancing.
Education Minister Sue Ellery also announced and extra $13 million ($43 million commitment in total) in funding for schools to have cleaning staff on site all day. They will regularly clean and disinfect high contact areas/equipment such as desks, door knobs, taps, sports gear and computers every 1-2 hours. Play equipment and toilets will be regularly cleaned after every recess and the end of the day.
Schools will be required to confirm weekly the new cleaning arrangements have been complied with.
Every Year 12 and ATAR student still receive a WA Certificate of Education and ATAR ranking for 2020.
It is expected Catholic and Independent schools will also implement these arrangements.
Education minister Sue Ellery spoke with Michael Genovese.