Second COVID PPE breach uncovered at Royal Perth Hospital

The Health Department have revealed a second breach occurred at Royal Perth Hospital on the weekend while staff were caring for a COVID-positive patient.
Three health workers were forced into self-quarantine after entering a lift just minutes after an infected patient on Saturday.
The group were not wearing any PPE when they unknowingly entered a service lift within 15 minutes of the captain of the MV Aquagenie.
In a statement East Metropolitan Health Service Chief Executive, Liz MacLeod, said a second PPE breach relating to the same patient has since been discovered.
“It has been established that a staff member removed their surgical mask prematurely as they were exiting the patient’s room – which is a breach of the processes followed at RPH,” she said.
“The breach occurred yesterday afternoon, was immediately detected and relevant processes enacted to ensure the safety of other staff, patients and the community.
“In an abundance of caution, this staff member has been placed into self-quarantine and is being monitored daily for symptoms. They will be tested in accordance with public health advice.
“Since March 2020, RPH has cared for more than 40 COVID positive inpatients with no breaches.
“In light of the weekend incidents, a full review of our policies and procedures is being undertaken.”
(Photo: Marta Pascual Juanola.)