The lawn porn craze sweeping Perth

Having the nicest lawn on the street is seen as a marker of success. “Lawn porn” is a popular trend with people comparing their turf and greens keeping tips on social media.
The WA Lawn Addicts Facebook group has over 21,000 members – proving Perth people are obsessed with their turf.
Turf expert and owner of Turfcare WA Michael Maartensz told Oliver Peteron lawn obsession starts from an early age.
“I used to love watching my dad mow the front lawn.
“It’s bred from that early age of watching your dad or your mum mow the lawn and you have that sense of pride.”
Keeping lawn green in Perth is a “challenge” said Mr Maartensz.
He gives Perth LIVE listeners his tips for the best looking lawn on the street – Click PLAY
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