Using a towel at the gym “doesn’t achieve anything”

Going to the gym always meant taking a towel and using it to wipe down the equipment after using it. It was good etiquette as much as it was good hygiene.
There has been a change of norms since COVID-19, meaning disinfectant wipes are now plastered all over the gym. Is using a towel the best idea anymore?
Microbiologist Dr Cameron Jones told Gareth Parker using a towel wasn’t a “a great idea to begin with”.
“With the risk of COVID-19 transmission, we need to be looking at not only regular hand hygiene, but using disinfectant wipes before and after use of each piece of equipment.
“Well before COVID-19 the transmissions of other bacteria like staphylococcus aureus (‘golden staph’), has always been a big problem in gymnasiums.”
He adds that using a towel to wipe down equipment is not useful for infection control.
“The towel is really going to act as reservoir that you could cross contaminate yourself, other people and other items in your gym bag.
“Putting it on the equipment won’t achieve anything for infection control.”
Listen to the full interview: