Why WA’s $100m film studio won’t be built in the City of Perth

The preferred proponent to build a $100 million film studio in Perth, the Adrian Fini-led Home Fire Creative, last week submitted its latest plans for the development to be built at Whiteman Park.
The news was broken on Thursday by 6PR Breakfast stand-in host Mark Gibson, who said recent coverage of the Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas promoting the City of Perth as the ideal location for the film studio was off the mark.
“I’ve got sources that tell me that the chances of a film studio at the site Basil’s referring to, at Waterbank near Trinity College, the chances are zero,” Gibson said.
“It is a sandy, swampy, flooding mess of a location that, as it stands, can’t be built on… so it’s a little disingenuous of the Lord Mayor to say that’s a site that would be perfect for a film studio.
“The Lord Mayor was justifying his trip to Italy by visiting a film studio and saying ‘oh we’ll have one of those, that’ll look good in Perth’.”
Gibson also addressed accusations of having sour grapes, after losing the mayoral election to Zempilas back in 2020.
In February, Gibson broke the news that Fremantle port had been secretly scrapped as the location after logistical problems and a budget blowout.
In March, he revealed the state government and developers were pushing ahead with plans for a film studio at Whiteman Park, 25 minutes northeast of the CBD.
Tap PLAY above hear Gibson address the accusations and Basil’s comments from Rome